The Camden County Special Needs Registry is a voluntary service open to all citizens. The registry was created to help police officers and other emergency service personnel to better assist residents with special needs in the event of an emergency by providing those first responders with vital information regarding a registrant’s disability, emergency contact information, a physical description, and a current photograph of the registrant. The goal of the Special Needs Registry is to ensure all residents who have Special Needs can get the help and support they need in a time of emergency or during interaction with Law Enforcement, Fire, or EMS personnel.
1. What is the Special Needs Registry?
The Camden County Special Needs Registry is a voluntary service open to all citizens who reside, attend a school, or are employed in Camden County that is affected in some way by a disability.
More specifically, the Camden County Special Needs Registry is a database maintained by the Camden County Prosecutor's Office that contains profiles of registrants with disabilities. The information provided to the registry provides law enforcement and other first responders with vital information about a registrant’s special needs in the event of an emergency.
2. Who has access to the registrant’s profile?
Information provided to the registry will only be shared with first responders during an emergency or for the purpose of planning an emergency response.
3. What is considered an emergency?
An emergency can best be defined as any event that may require a response, immediate or otherwise, by law enforcement or other first responders. Examples of emergencies include but are not limited to medical emergencies, natural disasters, fires, mandatory evacuations, and crimes in progress.
4. How will the information contained in the registry help a person with special needs during an emergency?
The information contained in the registry can help in several different ways. Upon being dispatched to a residence, police dispatchers will be made aware that someone at that location is on the registry. Depending upon the type of call, the dispatcher can better assess the type of response necessary and dispatch manpower and resources accordingly. Also, police officers and/or first responders will be notified that there may be someone at the location with special needs so that they can better gauge their respective responses.
In the event that a person with special needs is reported missing, first responders will have current photographs and other vital information at their fingertips that will aid in locating the missing person more expeditiously. In an emergency, time is of the essence.
5. What information is required to register someone?
There are two types of information on the registry, mandatory and non-mandatory. Mandatory information includes the registrant's name, address, emergency contact information, the nature of the disability, and a current photo. Non-mandatory information includes prescribed medications, doctor information, and blood type. It will be up to the registrant as to how much of the non-mandatory information they wish to share.
6. Who is eligible to register?
The registry is open to any person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities due to a physical and/or intellectual disability.
7. Who can register someone?
A person can register themselves or they can be registered by a caretaker or loved one.
8. How do you register?
You simply access the online Special Needs Registry portal and complete the fields.
9. Is there a cost involved?
No, there is no cost at all to register for the Camden County Special Needs Registry.
10. Who should I contact if I have a technical problem with the registration process?
You can contact the CCPO if you are experiencing any technical issues.
11. Who should I contact if I have a question about the Special Needs Registry?
You can contact the CCPO.
12. What if I need to make a change?
If you need to update a submitted registration, you simply complete a new form and advise that you are updating a previously submitted registration in the additional information field.
Fax : (856) 784-8439
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