Firearms Information

Firearms Information

Main: (856) 784-6238

Fax: (856) 784-4963

Municipal Court and Services

Police Department

Public Works and Tax Collector

Hi-Nella Police Department

Headquarters: (856) 784-6238 
Emergencies: 911
Non-Emergencies: 856) 783-4900
Fax: (856) 784-4963

Firearms ID Cards/Permit to Purchase a Handgun/Carry Permits

How to apply for a Firearms Purchaser Identification Card or Purchase a Handgun?

Effective February 18, 2019, the Governor’s Office mandated a new way to apply called FARS (Firearms Application & Registration System). FARS is taking the place of the old STS 033 form. Applicants can apply for all the same options as the paper application form with the exception of Permits to Carry. 

The new online process is applicant driven. If the applicant makes a mistake while applying, they simply can RE-APPLY. The applicant should understand that all application fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. The applicant MUST utilize the correct ORI for the correct Police Department. 

Most of the ISSUES INCURRED or CREATED by the APPLICANT during the online application process are unable to be altered after submission and will be reviewed on a case by case basis. After a determination that the error occurred on the applicant’s side, the Hi-Nella Police Department has the discretion to instruct the applicant to re-apply.

All Applicants Must Check Their Entries Thoroughly Before Submitting Their Application.

Applicants can apply online at
Hi-Nella Police ORI Number: NJ0041900

You will need to submit payment at our Police Department for your ID card and, if applicable, your permits. Payments must be made by Money Order. Firearms ID cards are $50.00 and Purchase Permits are $25.00 each.

How to apply for a Carry Permit

The Concealed Carry Permits Service allows for online submission of both initial and renewal applications. Approved applications are due for renewal every two (2) years. Renewal applications can be submitted up to four (4) months before the expiration date. Concealed Carry Permit applicants need to have been fingerprinted for firearms purposes in New Jersey and assigned an SBI number before they can apply for a Concealed Carry Permit. If you have never been fingerprinted for firearms purposes in New Jersey before, start with an application for an Initial Firearms I.D. card here.

You will need to submit payment at our Police Department for your Carry Permit.  Payments must be paid by Money Order ($150.00 made payable to the Borough of Hi-Nella and $50.00 made payable to New Jersey State Police).

Permit to Carry Safe Handling and Proficiency Certification and Use of Force Training can be accessed by clicking the links below.

If you have lived outside of the State of New Jersey in the last ten (10) years, please fill out form SP-066 (Consent for Mental Health Records) and upload it to your application.

Other firearms related documents may be found on the New Jersey State Police Firearms Information website.

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact:

Chief Donald Brown
Hi-Nella Police Department
(856) 784-6238 Ext. 408

Reach out to Hi-Nella Borough for additional information or visit the New Jersey State Police Firearms Information Website for more information.

Know the Laws for Getting a Firearms ID Card & Purchase Permits

Call us today for more details.

(856) 784-6238 ext: 406

(856) 784-6238 ext: 406
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